About Us
Owners (since 1980) and founder of the Wildlife Reserve Kuzikus are
Dr. F.G. Reinhard, Doctor of Medicine (University Marburg, Vienna, Munich) and biochemist (Max-Planck Institute Munich/ Martinsried) and Hiltrud Reinhard, née Müller-Elmau (Sports teacher (Munich/ Grünwald) and state-approved ski instructor) from Schloß Elmau / Garmisch Partenkirchen in the Bavarian Alps.
Berend & Nichola Reinhard
As a trained biologist, specialized in Ecology and Resource Management, Berend has taken over the farm as General Manager since 2009. Together with his siblings he has grown up on the farm and, like his brother Fritz, has experience with big game (re-introduction programs/ conservation/ hunting). He completed his studies in Biology (BSc) in Edinburgh (UK) and graduated with MSc in Management at Cranfield University (UK). During the following years he gained work experience in an executive position for biological restoration in the in Zurich.
Nichola from Ireland was educated in Equine studies at Kildalton agricultural college, County Kilkenny. She spent many years working in the horse industry in Ireland before coming to Namibia in 2010. Experienced in different parts of the horse industry ranging from trail riding to polo, she managed the riding stable at Kuzikus for the past 8 years.
Dr. Friedrich F. Reinhard & Ilka Preschel
Friedrich F. grew up at Kuzikus. Together with his brother Berend, Friedrich is managing Kuzikus Wildlife Reserve. Before returning to Kuzikus, Friedrich worked and was educated as a microbiologist in Europe (PHD Université de Lausanne; MRes University of Nottingham/Max Planck Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie; BSc. Hon University of Edinburgh). Friedrich's scientific involvement lies in the field of ecological land-use management in the Kalahari. He is the founder the SAVMAP project.
Ilka is an architect and interior designer, but is for now in maternity leave.
Johanna Reinhard (MSc)
Johanna is heavily involved internationally in species re-introduction programs and also conducted research projects on Kuzikus.Johanna has completed her BSc in Biology at the University of Edinburgh and specialized in her MSc in Molecular Ecology at the University of Zurich and ETH (Switzerland). She is currently working on her Dissertation (PhD) at the University Potsdam/Germany and as an Entomolgist at the Leibnitz Instiut of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB).
Alina (née Reinhard) and Dieter Reisenauer
Owners and founders of Outdoor Adventure Safaris
Alina too grew up on the Wildlife Reserve Kuzikus. After completing her studies in banking in Munich and completing her training in the hotel business at Tegernsee, she gathered work experience at international travel agencies. She then founded the photo safari company Outdoor Adventure with her husband Dieter and now co-ordinates the safaris as well as running the office for Kuzikus.
A trained banker and business economist, Dieter has been tour- and wilderness guide for almost 30 years. He supports Kuzikus by carrying out wilderness courses, organizing the marketing aspects and representing Outdoor Adventure and Kuzikus at trade fairs, conventions and in the media.